
What is ChatGPT? Benefits and drawbacks of Chat bots


After the release of ChatGPT, it has gained a lot of popularity around the world due to its strength in carrying human-like conversations on different types of topics. ChatGPT is an extremely powerful language model that has the potential to…

Top 20 Last Minute Gift Ideas in the budget

Gifts | Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Gift ideas ? Are you looking for last minute gift ideas for your loved ones and can’t think of any? As it’s known, Shopping is not for everyone. And sometimes work situations make it extremely difficult to find some time…

Tired of Cookie Notices? Here is the solution

Isn’t it annoying when cookie notifications pop-up while visiting websites? As a result, these notifications are just disrupting the user experience and creating annoyance to the users. To make users experience good, Brave introduced new feature that allows users to…

Are You Bored? Read these 10 Best Jokes

Do you like reading jokes? Here are 10 jokes for you to read in case you’re bored…… When you are born you actually have 4 kidneys. But as you get older, two of them turn into adult knees. Someone asked…